New Illinois Laws Coming In 2019 To Help Protect Citizens
To help protect citizens is the theme of many new laws coming to Illinois in 2019.
The new year is just around the corner. That means new laws are also coming soon. Anytime the idea of change is mentioned, people start to worry.
Luckily, many of the new laws in 2019 for the state of Illinois are put in place for our protection.
From, here are some of them.
Controlled-substance prescribers continuing education
"This bill requires licensed prescribers of controlled substances to complete three hours of continuing education on safe opioid-prescribing practices prior to renewing their prescription license. (SB 2777)"
Animal protection in conditions
"Nothing prevents a law enforcement officer from taking temporary custody of an animal that is being put in danger due to extreme heat or cold conditions; however, the officer must attempt to make contact with the owner. Also, the owner is responsible for the cost required for veterinary care. (SB 2270)"
Immigration licensure
"No person may be denied professional licensure for immigration status. Allows an applicant to provide a Tax Identification Number in lieu of a Social Security Number. (SB 3109)"
Carnival background check
"Allows for the revocation of a permit to operate carnivals, amusement attractions or fairs that fail to conduct a background check of every ride operator at their permitted attraction if they are found to have violated the law three or more times. Currently, a background check is required for all ride operators in Illinois but the department doesn’t have the ability to revoke a permit for violators. (SB 3240)"
More protected
"Established foster parents, legally appointed guardians, adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents are added as persons protected under the Domestic Violence Act and Protective Orders Article. (HB 4796)"
Police dog protection
"Requires every law enforcement agency/handler of police dogs to provide an annual medical examination by a licensed vet and vaccinate the dog against rabies prior to the dog beginning police service. It also requires vehicles that transport police dogs to be equipped with a heat sensor monitor in the vehicle that will send an audible and visual notification in the vehicle if the temperature reaches 85 degrees. (HB 1671)"
No more paper citations
"Illinois State Police will save 10 cents per sheet of paper required for a violator’s signature on a piece of paper since a person in violation of a petty offense is not required to sign a paper citation. (HB 4476)"
Synthetic cannabis, bath salts, and piperazines
"Synthetic cannabinoids and piperazines are schedules I controlled substances when they are not approved by the FDA; or, if approved, are not dispensed or possessed in accordance with state or federal law. (SB 2341)"
Sex offense statute of limitations
"Extends the statute of limitations for sex offenses committed against an adult for one year after discovery by the victim when corroborating physical evidence is available. The charging document must state the statute of limitations is extended and the circumstances justifying the extension. (SB 2271)"
A missing person with disabilities / military person
"Requires the Department of State Police to compile and maintain a data repository for missing persons with disabilities as part of the statewide Law Enforcement Agencies Data System. Also provides a missing person with disabilities be considered a “high-risk missing person,” which intends to help law enforcement and human service entities be better prepared to locate individuals with developmental disabilities. (SB 2265)"
"Adds veterans and active duty members of the reserves and armed forces believed to have physical or mental health issues, related to service, to the definition of “high-risk missing person.” (SB 2278)"
"Provides that stalking behavior includes unwanted messages via social media. (SB 3411)"
School safety drills
"Requires active shooter/threat school safety drills to be conducted within 90 days of the start of the school year. Requires the drills to be conducted the days and times when students are present in the building. Requires law enforcement to observe the drill. (SB 2350)"
Local government caps
"Raises the cap for architecture, surveying and engineering projects less than $40,000 (currently $25,000) to be exempt from certain public notice, evaluation and selection procedures. (SB 2328)"
Township officers
"Prevents all elected and appointed township officials from simultaneously holding any other employment with the township in which they are elected, exempting volunteer firefighters. (SB 2299)"
Ivory Ban
"Bans the import and sale of most ivory and ivory products in Illinois; exempts antique guns and knives that are more than 100 years old, and also exempts musical instruments containing ivory that were produced before 1975. Allows the Department of Natural Resources to set rules for allowing the sale or transfer of ivory if it is for educational or scientific purposes. (HB 4843)"
Students taking dual credit courses
"This bill provides qualified students can enroll in an unlimited amount of dual credit courses, and earn an unlimited amount of academic courses so long as the course is taught by an Illinois instructor as provided under the Dual Credit Quality Act. Requires community colleges to enter into a dual credit agreement if a high school district within their boundaries requests it. (SB 2527 / 2838)"
Route 66 commission
"Creates a 20-member Route 66 Centennial Commission to plan and coordinate commemorative events throughout the state to celebrate 100 years of Route 66. (HB 66)"
More from the Illinois State Senate Democratic Caucus,
#MeToo protections expanded
"Companies that wish to do business with state government must have policies on how they address sexual harassment complaints. Same goes for companies in the EDGE tax credit program. (SB405)"
Nursing Mothers
"Now, nursing mothers will be excluded from jury duty at their request. (HB5745)"
Here are some others that we recently covered.
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