After EVERY show, there's always One More Thing we want to say.  Those 'things' will now be filmed and posted here.

One more thing about the fight after the East/Jefferson BBall game. It happened and there's nothing we can do about that. Reading some of the horrible comments on Facebook really upset me today. If you don't know the whole story, how could you say such cruel things? There might be only 2 people who know the whole story of how that fight happened. It was said in some posts that "this kind of thing is what makes Rockford look bad around the country." Correction! You made Rockford look bad with your misinformed, hurtful comments. Everyone has Facebook friends around the U.S., if the national news doesn't pick up the story then YOU were the one that sent it around the country.  Now you're to blame for making us look bad, not that fight.  I said plenty on the show this morning about this, so I'm going to leave it at that.  I just want to add...

One More Thing...

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