Rockford Resident Posts ‘Crack House Next Door’ Warning Sign to Discourage Drug Activity
Last week, I kid you not, I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed and I saw what I thought was a meme; with a sign that said, "Crack house next door. Stay out. Drive away." Someone captioned it, "Only in Rockford," along with some cross streets.
I remember telling Steve Shannon that I had to drive by there, just so I can confirm that it was real.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that Eyewitness News confirmed that it is in fact very real.
The sign, which according to the Facebook post is at Sandyhollow and Sawyer Road (judging by the video, it's in the area of 4th street and Mattis Avenue); was placed in the neighborhood to send a message that drug activity will not be tolerated.
While it's probably not the best solution to fix the concern, you have to give these neighbors some props for having the courage to call attention to their neighborhood like that.
If you were planning on doing a drive-by so you could see the sign for yourself, it's too late. The sign has been taken down.
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