The back and forth weather the last few weeks has created quite a mess in our yards. Find out when you can bring the cans and bags back to the curb.

A few weeks back it was warm enough  to start cleaning up the yard, then it got cold and windy and messed everything up again (if you we're lucky the wind made it your neighbor's problem). Then a little more attitude from Mother Nature by giving us a mid-March snowstorm covered the mess up again. Now that it appears we'll be back in the 50s and 60s soon, let's get this yard clean up finished and hauled away.

Rockford Yard Waste Pick Up Return Date has Been Set

Rock River Disposal will be starting weekly yard waste pick up on Monday, March 20 according to If you are new to Rockford or have forgotten the rules of yard waste collection, here's a refresher courtesy of WIFR Newsroom:

  • Yard waste will only be accepted if it's placed in 2-ply biodegradable paper bags or in normal garbage cans and must be marked with a large "X"
  • Branches and limbs may be bundled with string or twine
  • Bundles can be no longer than 4 feet and no wider than 2 feet
  • All bags or bundles cannot exceed 50 pounds by weight

I sure hope March goes out like a lamb, because this lion has been a big pain.

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