See ladies, ask and you shall receive.

Anyone up for a road trip to Dallas? My husband definitely won't go, we actually got into a debate over the fact that a Hooters style diner for women actually exists now. He says, "isn't that a little unsanitary?" Um, no. It's not any more or less sanitary than women pulling wedgies out of their medical-condition-inducing, bread-making booty shorts; without washing their hands, before serving you wings.

While I don't really dig the name of the "chestaurant", I still think Tallywackers might be worth a visit; if not for the scenery, maybe the really good food? Apparently you can expect things like hot dogs, brats, sausage and meatballs; obviously.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the restaurant is scheduled to open in May and judging by their
promotional photos, they won't be wearing much more than some tiny, black briefs.

Did I mention they're hiring?

Do we need something like this is Rockford?

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