There are four types of bros, which one are you?

Earlier this summer, Steve Shannon and I explained what a "bro" is... because my mom asked me once, and because we knew you wanted to know, too.

But, there isn't just one type of bro. There are four, or maybe four and a half depending on what you think about hipsters.

We used this article from NPR and added our own spin to come up with these types of bros.

  • The "Jock-ish" bro. Your athlete bro, he likes to win sports, and play sports, and watch sports. He slaps his teammates butt when they win.
  • The "Dude-ish" bro. My fave. These guys are ready to hang out and do bro stuff with other bros. Whether that means they're gonna create an obstacle beer Olympics party or play video games, dude bros will do whatever they can to increase their bromances.
  • The "Prep-ish" bro. He wear Lacoste polos, two at once... and pops his collar. He goes boating with champagne and wears fancy shoes. He likes to tell you about his shoes.
  • The "Stoner-ish" bro. This has nothing to do with any type of stoner-ing... but the relaxed vibe of this bro. Surfer dude from Cali, he never sets his alarm, he forgets to eat.

What's your favorite type of bro?


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