We all have personal schedules, we decide what to do and when it will fit it in our day. Wouldn't it be nice if someone told us exactly the right time of day to do things so that we have the best results? Yeah it would, and I found that for you today.

Mental Floss (which might be the best website name ever) has revealed The Perfect Time of Day To Do Just About Everything, and they really have covered it all.

From what time is best to make a baby, to what time you should take a nap, they've spelled it all out for you, including reasons explaining why this time is best.

So here are a few things for you to do today:

11am - Send an important email. We get SO many emails everyday that we tend to let that inbox grow and then read them right before lunch. Send your email at 11 and you'll be at the top of the list.

1pm - Watch a funny Youtube video (we've got a bunch for you at ZOKTV). Watch the vid at 1 because that is when we are culturally in the worst mood of the day. It makes sense, we just ate and have to work for the rest of the day. Spend a minute or two laughing, and you'll be much happier.

5pm - Workout. Our bodies have the highest temp between 5 and 6, making your ability to workout easier and in turn, more effective.

9pm - Sell something on eBay (but change your password first). eBay auctions that end at 9 are the most successful.

Finally at 10pm (if you're still awake), you're in charge of solving the world's problems. We are the most creative thinkers when we are sleepy. I definitely believe this one. I tend to write emails, notes, texts and work ideas, all late at night. Whether they're the best ideas or not, they're definitely the most creative.

Be be sure to wait and send them til the next day, at 11am, right? You're learning!


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