What bugs your most at work everyday?

I think my biggest pet peeve at work has nothing to do with my co-workers, but with our temperature problems. On most days, it's either a sauna or an ice cave in the ZOK studios, thank goodness for tank tops and sweatshirts. All about the layers.

According to the website Chron, that's not the number one office complaint, though office climate did make the list.

They listed the top 21 office complaints, but I thought the top 5 were the most important and of course the most annoying.

  1. The dreaded "Reply All"
  2. When the bathroom is a hot mess
  3. Horrible parking jobs
  4. Loud music
  5. Gum smacking

I had to stop there because the thought of listening to someone chomp on their gum put me in a terrible mood.

What's your biggest office pet peeve?

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