This is the best cardio workout, ever. Don't believe me? Just watch.

There's a reason I refer to the treadmill as the "dread-mill", it's mundane, boring and well, dreadful. If only most of us knew how to pull off a flawlessly executed dance routine that burns the same amount of calories in 90 seconds as your 30 minute aerobic interval workout.  One could dream, right?

Perhaps this guy, Carson Dean, could come teach a class at your gym? I'd sign up, but only after making sure my medical insurance was up to date.

Watch as Dean crushes this dance routine to "Uptown Funk" on a treadmill. You have to ask yourself, "how many times did this guy face plant while making this?" I'm going to go out on a limb and say none, he just makes it look so effortless.

The only thing that would make this better is it was for the full duration of the song.


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