What To Wear When Attending A Drive-Thru Graduation
You can use any internet search engine and you won't find a website offering up tips on what to wear to a drive-thru graduation.
Of course, anybody who has a child graduating from college, high school, or middle school is doing something other than the norm in 2020.
At this point, most graduates and parents of those graduates have made peace with the idea of the ceremony not being all that it's cracked up to be.
So while some schools are doing virtual graduations, where you can definitely wear your pajamas, sweats, or something comfortable, there are other institutions that are going about the diploma handout via the drive-thru.
Since I'll be one of the parents accompanying my graduating son during his drive-thru graduation, I, perhaps irrationally, started to think about "what am I supposed to wear to this thing?"
Can you really just wear whatever? It's 2020 so all bets are off. I mean, if I was getting out of the car, and going into an auditorium I'd probably dress for the occasion, but this, well, drive-thru graduations are unprecedented.
Maybe I can treat this as a video job interview? Put on a solid and professional-looking shirt, and wear whatever for the bottom half. That way, I'll look presentable and comfy while not going overboard.
All in all, it's just another confusing event. Chalk it up as just another unanswerable question in 2020.
Are you participating in a drive-thru graduation ceremony? What are you planning to wear? Tell us.

Sweet Lenny is the brand manager of 97ZOK, Q98.5, and Operations Manager for Townsquare Media Rockford. Catch him afternoons 3 to 7 on 97ZOK. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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