Who's the "clean boo" or "dirty boo" in your relationship?

This isn't about who does all the cleaning, it's more about who makes more of a mess that needs to be cleaned.

Those are two distinct things that never seems to come up.

That's what Aziz Ansari's character Dev was talking about in an episode of Netflix's Master of None.

He is explaining to his girlfriend that one has to be the "clean boo" and the other is the "dirty boo."

Dev: I'm usually the clean person in a relationship, anyway.

Rachel: Um... are you implying that I'm the dirty one in this relationship?

Dev: I mean, if we got to pick, clearly, I'm the clean boo. You're the dirty boo.

Rachel: Oh, okay, well, clean boo, you left all the glasses and spilled Campari on the kitchen counter. Is that a new clean boo move I don't understand?"

Question is, how long into a "moved-in" a relationship or any living situation for you to find out whether or not that person is clean or dirty?

Secondly, could living with a clean freak or a dirty person make your relationship miserable or is it something you could get past?

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