Olive Garden is known for unlimited salad and bread sticks, but this month they decided to throw unlimited pasta in the mix with their never ending pasta passes.

A few days ago, they unleashed the 1,000 pasta passes on the public. For just $100, anyone who bought one would be able to eat as much pasta as they can consume at an Olive Garden for seven weeks beginning on Sept. 22.

The pasta passes sold out in 45 minutes. Olive Garden might be giving away more via Social Media before all the pasta eating begins, but if you want one right now, you can bid on it on eBay.

Because of course, some of those pasta pass buyers want to drown themselves in noodles, but a few, just wanted a chance to make a profit.

For just $600, you can buy two passes right now, including shipping from eBay user darkness24. That's a 200% profit for that guy. Which isn't the worst deal for 49 straight days of lunch and dinner.

But guess what. He's not the only one trying to make money off of this deal. There are 56 other passes for sale on eBay. 56!

You guys know, noodles are like 79 cents a box at the store, right?

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