Your Favorite College Beer Wants To Help Pay Your Student Loans
If your hands (and lips) were ever wrapped around a can of Natty Light and you have some college debt, this is your lucky day.
Natural Light is bring back the College Debt Relief Program. In 2019, the beer you loved in college, is going to help [ay off your student loan debt. And they have amassed a great big pile of cash. Natty Light has pledged to give away $10 million, over the next 10 years, to pay down student loans., according to
This year, 70 people will get a share of the $1,000,000 pot, and there really isn't a lot you have to do to make yourself eligible to win.
- Post a video to social media from now until May 18 with your inspiration for going to college
- Include the green dollar-sign tab found on the limited-edition cans in your video
- Use the hashtags #NattyStories and #Contest
You'll find all the rules & regs here.