Are you sure you want to eat that?

Oh, man, that's a biggie for me. I'm always sure I want to eat that. Or else I wouldn't be eating it. Or at least I wouldn't be eating it in front of you.

There are only a few people in the world who can get away with saying anything to a woman, for most of us it's our best friend and our mom.

We'll still probably take a slight offense to it, but we know that it's for our own greater good. If anyone else says one of these things though, watch out. High heels will be flying.

Cosmo wrote a list of 18 Things Women Never Want to Hear, I agree with most of them. Do you?

  1. "You're cute!"
  2. "You have a really pretty face."
  3. "Why aren't you smiling?"
  4. "It must be nice to get free drinks."
  5. After you order a salad: "Are you watching your weight?"
  6. "You lost weight."
  7. "Are you feeling OK? You look tired."
  8. "Have you been working out?"
  9. "You look like [insert celeb of your same ethnicity/hair color here]."
  10. "You changed your hair."
  11. "You're single because you date the wrong guys."
  12. "That outfit's... different."
  13. After you get back from vacation somewhere tropical: "You don't look tan."
  14. "Don't worry, you'll meet the right guy when you stop looking."
  15. "Well, you can pull that off."
  16. "You're a real firecracker!"
  17. "You did your best."
  18. "Everything happens for a reason."

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