5 Times @YouRockVibes815 on Instagram Made Me Feel Incredible
You know those days when you see a meme on Instagram and it totally hits you right where your'e currently at in life. Here's one of my joys.
There's an Instagram account in the 815 that really does makes me feel incredible, often. The individuals who share all this positive goodness just seem to keep popping up in my scroll and instantly changing my attitude. You can never have too many accounts putting JOY in your day. Please add them to your follows, they "radiate positivity" daily.
5 Times @YouRockVibes815 on Instagram Made Me Feel Incredible
How many times has one of your good friends said to you, "you're looking at it all wrong!" For some reason, using the word 'prison' really made this hit harder.
Everybody is either working a side hustle, or working on creating one. I've been DJing parties on the side for decades. This post was a reminder that the side hustle success will come at the expense of taking you away from something that lasts longer.
Often, I find myself most happy, when doing something for my wife, or one of our 4 amazing children. I can go long stretches without checking in with myself, thanks for the reminder, YouRockVibes815
The holiday season was fast approaching when this next one was posted. It was the eve of our youngest daughter's 5th birthday, a birthday celebration that wouldn't include extended family because of covid. The coming holidays would also be without them also. It was pretty easy to feel down. But...
You know I had to include my baby and I feeling those YouRockVibes for the first time. Thank you to ya'll who contribute to this Instagram account, you make me feel good.
Steve Shannon is host of The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK. On the air weekday mornings from 6 to 10 a.m. and a special 'Rewind' show, featuring favorite moments from previous shows, on Saturday mornings from 5 to 7 a.m.. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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