Amazon to Start Offering a Prime Discount for Low Income Families
Growing up, my mother taught me a very valuable lesson about money- especially when it came to the material things I'd always ask for; she would simply give me a look and say, "if you can't afford to pay for it, then you probably shouldn't have it."
It's a lesson I carry with me to this day and it comes in handy not only when my son hits me up for money to pay for the Spring Awakening Festival in Chicago or a $170 pair of tennis shoes; but I use if quite often as I roam the aisles of Target.
Honestly, if you can't afford something, then you either don't need it or you weren't meant to have it. Would you agree?
Amazon doesn't share our opinion. According to WREX, the retail giant is trying to appeal to low income families by offering a discount on their pay-by-month Prime membership to people who receive LINK, EBT and other government benefits.
The idea is to snatch up their rival, Wal-mart's lower-income shoppers. According to Greg Greely, the vice president of Amazon Prime, Amazon designed this option, which offers the prime membership at $5.99 a month versus $10.99, to make it's "selection and savings more accessible, including the many conveniences and entertainment benefits of Prime."
Should this be allowed?
Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on this? Is this a great idea and something that you and your family can benefit from or is this, how do I say it...unfair?
Catch Mandy James on “The Steve Shannon Show with Mandy James” on 97 ZOK from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
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