The bar was only fined $155,000, which seems incredibly low, once you see what happened to this woman.

Gaby Scanlon was out celebrating her 18th birthday with friends in Lancaster, England two years ago. That's the legal drinking age over there by the way. Gaby and her friends went to a new place called Oscar's Wine Bar. And since it was her birthday, they gave her a free drink called, The Nitro-Jagermeister. It's basically Jager with some liquid nitrogen on top, to create a cloud of smoke. Sort of like dry ice.

Bar Served Liquid Nitrogen Drink to Girl Who Had to Have Stomach Removeds

Liquid nitrogen is some pretty nasty stuff. A health and safety inspector had warned them about serving it, and the bar was supposed to make people wait ten seconds before drinking it. Well that didn't happen. They told Gaby to drink it BEFORE the evaporation happened.

Gaby Scanlon asked the bartender whether the cocktail was OK to drink. The bartender told her to go ahead. Indeed, the Guardian reports that one witness heard the bartender say: "Drink it while it's still smoking." Scanlon told a court: "Smoke was coming from my nose and mouth. Straight away I knew something was not right.

Since Gaby wasn't aware of the dangers, she drank it and it froze and killed her internal tissue, kind of like getting internal frostbite. Then her stomach expanded, got perforated and she had to be rushed into emergency surgery to REMOVE HER STOMACH. She spent 3 weeks in the hospital Now, Gaby's esophagus is directly connected to her bowels.


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