Familiar Rockford Faces Aged with the New FaceApp
The FaceApp has us all posting photos of ourselves much older. The UN-kindness of just one of the app's age filters has (most of) us laughing.
The FaceApp is currently the #1 free app in the world. The app lets you use any photo to filter yourself older, younger, with different hair and more.
Here's the result.
Here's what you really clicked this link for....
The ZOK crew aged up: (L-R) Producer MJ, Sweet Lenny, Midday Michelle, Steve Shannon.
97ZOK's Steve Shannon with Rockford's top law enforcement officials, (L-R) Rockford Police Chief Dan O'Shea, Steve and Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana.
Here's Steve with (Grand)Fatherhood Encouragement Project founder, Danial Petrie. He also happens to be a coworker who said he was deactivating Facebook for a few days because he was tired of seeing all of our 'old faces.' #Payback
Then comes the favorite. This is what NBA Champion Fred VanVleet (Toronto Raptors) will look like long after his retirement from the NBA.
We were having too much fun, so we tried the app on a couple celebrities.
Hey Cardi B & Rihanna
Next time your girlfriend goes on and on about how good looking Chicago Cub Kris Bryant is, show her this.
Go grab FaceApp now. Grab the 97ZOK app while you're at it.
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