Forget Juice Cleanses, 2016 is the Year of the Taco Cleanse
Yep, you read that right, taco and cleanse in the same headline.
I'm not even a big fan of tacos but I would still try this cleanse, because ummm it's a cleanse that actually has food in it!
While I've never tried a juice cleanse, I did try a three day miracle diet a few times. This diet involved eating a weird smoothie for breakfast and ten slices of cucumber as a snack. I cheated every time I tried it.
Let's get to this taco cleanse!
The cleanse, as you probably guessed, is filled with Tacos. There is a book you can buy, The Taco Cleanse, and in that book you will get 30 days of meal plans filled with different taco recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner tacos.
The "catch" if there's really any, is that all of the recipes are Vegan. Ahhhh... that's how they manage to eat tacos all day for an entire month. I don't know all the ins and outs of being Vegan, but I do know that I would try some of the recipes in the book. There are even tortilla waffles in there.
Would you try this cleanse?