Frozen Finds: Lean Cuisine Asparagus + Cheese Ravioli [VIDEO]
Guys, the filling in this ravioli is green, actually green!
And not so bad either. When I bought this Lean Cuisine, I was thinking it would be fun to see what in the world asparagus ravioli tasted like, but I didn't expect to see almost lime green inside my noodle.
Steve Shannon happened to pop by my desk while I was getting ready to review my lunch, so I thought he could join me, mostly so he could read the box in his Morgan Freeman-esque voice.
Maybe I should have him record all the box infos for me in the future?
While on the video I rated this frozen find a 6/10, I changed my mind when I finished it and gave it a 7, it ended up getting more delicious by the end.
Frozen Find #4: Lean Cuisine Asparagus & Cheese Ravioli
“ravioli filled with asparagus, ricotta & Parmesan cheeses in a roasted red pepper sauce with yellow carrots & asparagus"
260 calories, 7g fat, 11g sugar, 40g carbs, 9g protein
Special notes: 1 cup of vegetables
- Smell: Noodles... sauce... vegetables... this smelled delicious.
- Appearance: The insides of the ravioli were green! I couldn't get past this silliness, and it made me want to dig in right away.
- Texture: Just like a ravioli should be.
- Size: Pretty sure all ravioli frozen dinners are too small.
- Deliciousness: The red pepper sauce wasn't my favorite for the first few bites but then I got into it, 7/10.
Love it or Leave it? Like it, not love it.
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