Hononegah Students Sigh in Relief After District’s Email Error
Remember that feeling in your stomach when you did something wrong as a kid and knew you got busted? Often times I had the same feeling even if I knew I didn't actually do anything wrong. I imagine this was the same feeling for both current Hononegah High School students, and the incoming freshmen class. This, all because of a "glitch."
Monday afternoon parents of many current and soon-to-be Hononegah Indians received the email we parents don't want to receive, a "your child did something stupid" email. Some of my good friends were one of the sets of parents to receive the email, resulting in one parent reaching out to the other with the, "did you see that email?" conversation. Knowing their child, they knew their son had to have been an innocent bystander but they had already formulated a plan to get to the bottom of this situation. They planned the go-to move after getting a disciplinary email pertaining to their child, "How was school today?", "How was lunch?", Did you hang out with Kristian today?"
Here's the email: (I left out the student's name, but 'Kristian' was included in the mass email.)
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We would like to inform you of a recent incident concerning *************** for USE/POSSESSION OF TOBACCO on 02/22/2021. A teacher found Kristian and another student in the bathroom with a vape device. The student told the teacher he got it from Kristian. Kristian stated he picked it up from the floor.
The action of 4TH HOUR LUNCH DETENTION was added on 02/22/2021. 4th HOUR LUNCH DETENTION MEET IN THE D.A. OFFICESincerely,
Discipline/Attendance Office Staff
I'm not saying all the students are guilty of vaping in the bathroom. But, if I came home and had an inkling my parents thought I had done something to get into trouble in school, my anxiety would have told my stomach to feel crank out those "I'm guilty!" butterflies. The person I'm curious about is this "Kristian" person? Is this a real person? Was this email supposed to be some sort of "example" or did someone get busted alongside this Kristian character?
Here's the "oops, we messed up" email from the school district:
I hope this "Kristian" is just a name used in a sample email the District used as an example of a disciplinary email.
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