Illinois State Police Just Made it Easier For You to Join
The ISP has announced that they are changing their policies to attract more potential new hires. According to ABC20 -
In 2009, the state police had approximately 2,119 troopers. Today, they only have about 1,767.
So starting next year, you will no longer need a bachelor's degree to apply to be a state trooper. ABC details -
They're lowering their education requirements so that more people are able to apply. Applicants will now only need an associate’s degree or 60 credits of course work.
The Illinois State Police believes they don't have enough troopers out there. And that's affecting highway safety. They're hoping that by lowering education requirements, more people will apply. From money to time, the new requirement is just more realistic to get more troopers from backgrounds like community colleges.
ISP officials said they also offer tuition reimbursements if troopers want to go back to college after they're hired. They are actively recruiting for their 2020 state trooper class.