Illinois State Police To Pass Out Tickets Like Tic Tacs
If you drive on any Illinois road patrolled by the Illinois State police, consider yourself warned. State police have announced they will be passing out tickets "like Tic Tacs."
In an urgent plea to drivers, Illinois State police this past weekend took to social media to urge Illinois drivers to observe and obey Scott's Law.
Scott's law, requires all motorists to MOVE over when approaching any police or other emergency vehicle stopped along the roadway. This just isn't just a suggestion, but is required.
So far, in 2019, 14 lIlinois State troopers vehicles were hit by drivers in Illinois, because motorists did not follow the law and move over, and say that police are intent on ticketing people for failing to follow the law would be an understatement. On Facebook Illinois State police wrote:
Dear Drivers,
A driver approaching a stationary vehicle with their emergency lights activated MUST:
🚨Change lanes, proceeding with due caution, or,
🚨If changing lanes would be impossible or unsafe, reduce the speed of the vehicle, proceeding with due caution.
So basically, MOVE OVER, SLOW DOWN, and PROCEED WITH CAUTION. It’s that simple.
This law includes Police, Fire, EMS, Road Maintenance Vehicles, Tow Trucks, and any other vehicle on the shoulder with their hazard lights activated.
Wholeheartedly serious,
Mama BearPS, the tickets are mandatory court appearances regardless of where the driver is from.
PPS, the tickets are being passed out like Tic Tacs.
Sure, Tic Tacs are sweet and tasty, but a traffic ticket will definitely sour your day. Please follow Scott's law, for the safety of everyone.
Catch Mark Charvat on Q98.5. Follow him on Twitter, and Facebook
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