Images of a Young Woman Helping a Blind Cubs Fan Catch a Cab at Wrigley Go Viral
I've only been to Wrigley Field one time, and I have to be honest, it was a bit overwhelming. From the parking to navigating my way to the field and walking through big crowds of people, it was a little nerve racking.
Imagine what all that excitement must be like for someone who can't see.
It has to be difficult; but thanks to people like 26-year-old Casey Spelman of Indianapolis, who was visiting Wrigley for the first time over the weekend herself, making the way through the crowd got a little easier for a blind Cubs fan.
Fox 32 Chicago shared Spelman's story after photos of her helping the man catch a cab, that were taken from one of the rooftops, went viral.
Spelman spoke with news outlets from her hometown and she said, "People were in front of him so I thought it might help him a little bit if he stepped in a little further."
As of yesterday, the post had 1,900 shares.