Remember When Missouri Had a McDonald’s Riverboat in St. Louis?
The 80's were the best. If you doubt me, take a journey with me into the now distant past when Missouri was so 80's that it had a McDonald's riverboat dock at the St. Louis riverfront.

Yes, there was a time when Missouri had a McDonald's riverboat. It was 44 years ago in early 1980 when this floating burger and fries machine docked in St. Louis as KMOV told their story. I also saw The Drive take this trip down Missouri McDonald's memory lane, too.
If you ever wondered what it would be like if a classic McDonald's booth could be built into a riverboat, your questions are now answered.
The crew looked mighty happy. I wonder if they were allowed to keep their Missouri McDonald's sailor uniforms?
The Riverfront Times in St. Louis claims there was once a Burger King riverboat or were they joking? I'm hoping it was true.
Whatever happened to the McDonald's riverboat?
The history is fuzzy on this one. The only mention I can find is from that same Riverfront Times article which says it was "unceremoniously decommissioned in 2000". What a crying shame. The thought of getting a super-sized Big Mac meal (or maybe I should go fish sandwich since it's the river?) on a McDonald's riverboat is the most 80's Missouri thing I can imagine. Those truly were the best days.
20 Things that Will Disappear from Missouri Forever in 2024
Gallery Credit: Canva