The calendar will soon be turning to August, and that usually means the pre-party to Fall in Illinois will begin in just a few weeks, so it's time to get mentally prepared for it.

The Worst Time of the Year for Summer Lovers

If you LOVE summer, let me just start by saying we have just under 2 months left to enjoy your favorite season so there's no need to freak out yet. Fall 2023 officially begins on September 23, but let's be honest, MANY Illinoisans jump on the Fall bandwagon before the calendar says it's time.


I may love Fall most of all, but I always get a little sad when summer days spent on the lake or in the pool are over. If you REALLY hate when Fall arrives, then early August should be the time you start preparing your emotions and your brain for the pumpkin takeover on the way.

5 Fool-Proof Signs That Fall Mania Will Soon Takeover Illinois


1. Fall fun 'save the dates' are announced.  When your favorite apple orchards, pumpkin patches, and farms announce opening dates for the season, your mind will automatically kick into cider donut obsession mode.


2. The pumpkin spice invasion begins. Look around, when every coffee shop, bakery, gas station, and store starts offering pumpkin spice everything, Fall is just a hop, skip, and jump away. (FYI; the rumor is that Pumpkin Spice Lattes will return to Starbucks on Tuesday,  August 29).


3. Confusing weather patterns. When you go from sweating your tail off to your teeth chattering all in a 6, 12, or 24-hour span, you know Fall is right around the corner.

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4. Sudden squirrel frenzies. When squirrels start hustling around like caffeinated athletes, hoarding acorns like they're preparing for a zombie apocalypse, guess what? It's a sure sign temps are about to take a major nosedive...and stay there for several months.


5. Back-to-school stresses (or celebrations), begin. When emails about school registration, supply lists, and back-to-school sales arrive, you might as well start taking all your hoodies, boots, and sweaters out of storage.

RELATED: Help Teachers and Families With the 815 Supply Drive

Since we can't stop the change of seasons in Illinois, we might as well embrace every hot and/or pumpkiny moment to come!

And...just to make sure you're fully prepared for Fall 2023 in Northern Illinois, you better start adding these things and places to your must-visit list now...

5 Perfect for Fall Apple Orchards in Northern Illinois to Visit

Even the biggest spring and summer lovers have a deep appreciation for a trip to an apple orchard. We're lucky to have so many this close to us.

25 Things You Might Actually NOT Hate About Fall

Summer lovers, we've had us a blast. Now, it seems we're moving into fall a little too fast. Here are some things to help the fun last.

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