How would you feel if Illinois politicians had a say on what goes on in your bedroom; behind closed doors?

If a politician in Kentucky gets her way, men who are seeking Viagra and other similar drugs would soon need to start getting a signed note from their wife and swear on a Bible they would only use the drugs during sex with their spouse. In addition to that, men would also need to prove that their married and visit the doctor twice before they even get the drugs.

The woman who introduced the bill, Rep. Mary Lou Marzian says "I want to protect these men from themselves. I want to protect these men from themselves. I’ve had it with 80 men telling women what to do, so I thought I’d just tell them what to do."

Here's a crazy idea- why not just write the prescription to the wife, she gets the pills and he can have one when they want to be intimate.

Sounds ridiculous to me. The bill obviously won't pass, but it's interesting to learn that politicians have these kinds of ideas; ideas that could make their way to Illinois. Lucky for us, the state has more pressing issues to deal with.



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