A new mom received an angry letter from her "friends" asking her to stop running commentary of her life on Facebook.

I put friends in quotations because this isn't something that real friends would do to each other.

We all have that one friend, or maybe ten, who over-share on Facebook. They fill your news feed with their dirty laundry, memes, quotes, Someecards and photos of every single thing their child does. That's what Facebook is for.

Most of us also know that Facebook has made it possible for us to tailor our news feeds to include things we like and don't like. There's the option of hiding posts (which I've done to a few of my friends) and then there's the craziest option of all - unfriending them.

How does that Taylor Swift saying go again? "Haters gonna hate." I think it's time for this new mom to find some new friends.

What do you think about these friend's approach?

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