New Poll Says New Year’s Day Is Illinoisans Worst Hangover Of The Year
I never understood getting completely obliterated on New Year's Eve.
Not saying I haven't had a drink or two but getting drunk on the day everyone else does is just kinda meh to me.
I remember as a young kid, listening to my Grandfather talk about New Year's Eve and why he usually skips the whole drunken mess. He referred to New Year's Eve as "Amateur hour." I thought it was a cool way to describe the day and it stuck with me ever since.
Looking back now as an adult, what I thought then means something different now. He may have been referring to the self-proclaimed "real drinkers" such as himself, who obviously don't think much of the part-time partiers who tie one on for New Year's Eve and go about their business the rest of the year.
Regardless, my Grandfather might have been on to something though, because the following day, January 1, ranks as the day Illinoisans are most hungover.
AlcoholRehab.com says they "polled 2,800 drinkers (aged 21+), and found that Illinoisans overwhelmingly voted January 1st as their worst hangover of the year...many people see the new year as an opportunity to change their ways (perhaps giving up alcohol for the month of Dry January or taking on healthier eating habits), therefore, some may indulge more over the holiday season, kicking off New Year’s Day with the worst hangover they’ll experience the rest of the year."
July 5th, December 25th, December 26th, and November 27th (the day after Thanksgiving) rounded out the top 5 most hungover days of the year for Illinois residents.
What about you? 2020 has been a ridiculous year for all of us. Are you planning on letting off some steam and having a few on New Year's Eve?

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