California, New York, and Massachusetts lead the way for the most educated cities in America for 2022.
Surprisingly, (or unsurprisingly depending on who you are and where you live) Illinois only has two cities in the top 100.
Dwellics put together this comprehensive list saying they "analyzed data on over 50,000 U.S.cities to compile a list of the top 100 most educated cities in America."
Among the ranking factors included datasets on both children and adults. For childhood education, data included math, reading, and language arts proficiency, number of spelling bee Olympics contest winners, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) competition winners, and the number of blue ribbon schools in each city. For adults, data included the percentage of the population with a bachelor's degree or higher or a STEM degree.
In order to find a city in Illinois on the list, you'll have to scroll down a bit.
Scoring an 87.88, Deerfield, Illinois ranks as the 23rd most educated city in America.
Just for fun, I decided to check on spelling bee winners from Deerfield. Charlie Maples won the Douglas County Spelling Bee in 2020. That might have something to do with the rank. I doubt it, but who knows.
Anyway, West Deerfield Township was ranked one spot behind Deerfield, 24th overall, scoring an 87.72.
If you like to compare Illinois to Wisconsin, you'll probably love this one. The Dairy State doesn't have one city in the top 100.