Rock River Valley Blood Center Makes Giving Blood Easy and Painless
Giving blood can save up to three lives, but it's also a little intimidating. Turns out, there's nothing to worry about.
Until last week, I gave blood once in my life and I wasn't sure I was ready to do it again.
I was in high school and only remember feeling crazy dizzy afterwards. So while I wanted to donate, I just wasn't sure.
Fast forward to last week and I am happy to say I successfully gave blood and will absolutely be doing it again.
Thanks to Jen and Mykil from the Rock River Valley Blood Center for making it easy and painless... and giving me apple juice and Oreos.
If you want to teach me how to do something, just let me know on Facebook, on Twitter or on YouTube.
Catch Midday Michelle on 97 ZOK from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.