Rockford-born Anthony Sartino, who went to East High School was hand-picked by Prince to design his clothes. And one outfit Chicago Bear fans will never forget.

Rockford Designer Who Worked for Prince Shares Favorite Memories
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Anthony along with his tailor made this outfit that Prince wore during his 2007 Super Bowl halftime show.

Rockford Designer Who Worked for Prince Shares Favorite Memories
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Rockford Designer Who Worked for Prince Shares Favorite Memories
Anthony Sartino via Facebook

Anthony left Rockford for Hollywood in 1971 not knowing what he was in search of but he needed to find something. That search led him to designing clothes for the greatest musician that has ever lived. His stories of the extremely private and very funny workaholic are wonderful to hear since we never really knew much about Prince's life off the stage. Including the story of the one time Prince wore something he never wore because Anthony lied to him.

Anthony Sartino on The Steve Shannon Show (5/6/16)

Here's the leather jacket Anthony was referring to.

Thank you Anthony for sharing time with us on one of our favorite subjects. See more of Anthony's creations HERE.

Rockford Designer Who Worked for Prince Shares Favorite Memories
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