Rockford Woman Named Finalist In Nationwide Weightloss Challenge
A Rockford woman is hoping to win some serious dough and she could use your help.
Hannah Day is a finalist in the Team Beachbody "Beachbody Challenge." If Day wins, she'll score a cool $100,000.
Beachbody is one of the most popular health, weight loss, nutrition and exercise companies in the U.S.
Beachbody® puts proven fitness tools in your hands—all you need to do is press "Play." Together, we'll turn your goals into results.
Day explained her transformation journey to Beachbody:
For 8 years I struggled with health issues such as extreme fatigue, joint pain, foggy brain, heart palpations, high resting heart rate, high blood pressure, high liver enzymes, gut issues, hair loss, and extreme weight gain. No doctors or specialists could figure out what was causing all my health issues. As the years went on, my health got worse! I felt like I was dying. Through the 8 years I gained 115 pounds and was bed ridden most days. In January 2017, after googling my symptoms like I had done for years, something came up about breast implant illness. In 2009 I got breast implants after the birth of my first child. After getting my breast implants removed in February 2017, all of my health issues and symptoms went away completely. January of 2018 the only thing left was all the weight I gained. That was what inspired me to join Beachbody, to become 100% healthy, and become what I was before getting sick. I wanted to be the mom and wife I knew I could be.
Day has lost 117 pounds in less than one year working with Beachbody.
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