Last night the Chicago Cubs were doing what they've done best for the past 100 years or so, and because of that a local guy had a chance to make national news.

Mike Pullin from Rochelle was sitting in the left field bleachers yesterday when Milwaukee Brewers first baseman, Mark Reynolds hit a moon shot that would have landed on Waveland Ave. if it wasn't for Pullin's long armed grab.

He also came prepared just in case he ended up with a home run ball. Pullin caught the ball and pulled a switcheroo with his wife and tossed another ball on to the field.

Thing is, that wasn't Pullin's ball to throw back on to the field. When I spoke to him, I had a chance to find out who the real owner of the swapped out ball is. Click the video to find out for yourself.

What a great guy! He's a local guy who is getting national attention for doing something pretty cool. Good for him!

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