Stateliners Waited Over Three Hours for Edwards Apple Orchard’s Cider Donuts
You'll add this one to your quarantine journal for sure... that day the whole city waited in their cars for a dozen donuts.
Ok, not me.
Don't get me wrong, I like Edwards Apple Orchard donuts, a lot! But, I also really do not like snow, or waiting in line for stuff, so I stayed warm inside and followed the madness on social media.
I'm actually pretty lucky because people sent me the madness on Instagram so I really could see how long these lines were.
Crazy right?
This guy said he was 13 minutes away from the orchard, if you were driving at a normal speed of course, that's pretty far away for the line to be so long!
The money was supporting a good cause and to quote most of the people who went to go get the donuts... 'what else did I have to do today?' It was probably worth it.
Obviously worth it to my friend Krystal who immediately buckled them in.
Did you go?
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