I'm certainly no math genius, but I'm fairly certain I have found the most expensive home you can get right now in Quincy, Illinois and have a dozen pictures to prove it.
It's not easy being Kansas City Chief Travis Kelce. Oh, wait. It probably kind of is. Still, it's a little odd that many people seem to be spying on Travis Kelce's Kansas City, Missouri mansion on Google Earth.
Despite the belief of my children, I was not around in the 1880's, but I've found a Quincy, Illinois home that was. It's a grand example of what life was like 144 years ago.
When is a Missouri silo not really a silo? Answer - when it's one that's been converted into a very modern living space that you really can live in luxuriously and it's available now.
As a Missouri homeowner, this is disturbing on a lot of levels. The United States of America is reportedly seeing an alarming rise in underwater mortgages and Missouri is one state among those suffering the most.
I did not expect this at all. Despite perceptions about housing challenges in St. Louis, Missouri, the big city suddenly is ranked near the top in one very important housing statistic.
I don't like to be told what to do or what not to do, so perhaps I should change my advice to "maybe". This is in regards to the cheapest city you can buy a home in Illinois, but probably don't. I'll explain why.