With Zoom meetings now being a part of many people's daily lives, is it any surprise that scammers are looking to capitalize on millions of potential new victims?
2020, the year we celebrated everything over Zoom. So why would Thanksgiving be any different? Thanksgiving + Zoom = "Zoomsgiving".
So how can you have a successful virtual celebration? Well according to USAToday, there's five things you can do to make your Zoom holiday feel a little more normal...
Have you found yourself walking past the mirror and shuddering at all this quarantine? Sometimes the sight of my own self is like WOAH girl do you know you own a hair brush? Other days I'm simply amazed how impressive the bags are under my eyes...
COVID-19 has negatively affected a lot of things this year, and apparently some of those things are marriages. According to a new study, the Stateline divorce rate is on the rise amid pandemic.
With a lot of time stuck at home, a lot of couples were around each other A LOT more than they were before...