Meet Richard Overton of Austin, Texas. He served in the Army during World War Two and Monday (5/11) he'll be 109. His daily routine is quite interesting.


Richard is quite a man. He recently celebrated his upcoming 109th birthday with friends and family (and anyone who passes by his front yard). At the party, the menu was simple:

  • Burgers
  • Cake
  • Whiskey

Here's the thing about Richard that makes him a hero on more levels than his service and dedication to this country, he's humble and doesn't really understand why he's getting all the attention. Well Mr. Overton, it probably has something to do with YOUR secret to longevity, as mentioned in this 2013 interview in the Wall Street Journal.

Ms. Elliot, his neighbor, once asked him the secret to his longevity and he pointed to a plastic cup with whiskey, saying, “I’m drinking it.”


Richard drinks whiskey in his coffee everyday and even has a snort at night to help him sleep. And I don't know how he can do this, but Richard also smokes 12 CIGARS A DAY, something he's been doing since he was 18.... that's 91 years.

There's one more thing he does as part of his daily routine and he credits it, along with the whiskey and cigars, as a key to longevity. Never stop moving. Which I would assume he couldn't do anyways... considering all the glass refilling and ashtray dumping.

For his 109th, Richard reportedly got a card from President Obama and that's pretty cool because Richard IS a national treasure.

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