Last month, when I hit my half-birthday (which is totally a thing) I started coming to the realization that eventually I will be 30. Which means I will be printing out this list and staring at it for the next two and a half years.

Lauren Martin from Elite Daily took some time yesterday to delineate what it means to be a woman in her twenties. Let me just condense what she said in five paragraphs into one sentence, it's a confusing headache.

Part of that headache is all of the things we hold on to as twenty-somethings. I'm not talking high school t-shirts and broken necklaces, I mean like people, habits and feelings that you just need to toss away, because despite what you think... you're an adult.

So let's take a look at her list. She picked 25, these are my favorite.

2. Snacking in bed

There will come a time when you bring a guy home who isn’t so blacked out that he won’t notice the 1,000,000,000,000 crumbs in your bed.

7. The use of the word “YOLO”

Even your middle school-aged sister has stopped using it.

17. That sweater you think you’ll wear one day

If you’re not wearing it now, haven’t worn it in years and don’t see it making a comeback in 2015, throw the damn thing out. Clearly, your body has an aversion to it.

18. That friend who never calls

You don’t need to tell her you’re letting her go, but mentally, it’s time to stop harping on relationships that were dead around the same time of Aaron Carter’s career. His comeback is as pathetic as you expecting her to call.

20. What people think of you

It’s the hardest thing to let go of, but the most worthwhile once you do. Once you stop giving into everyone’s perception of who you are, you can finally figure it out for yourself — and that’s the first step to really growing up.


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