A new study found 55% of toothbrushes have feces on their bristles.  And the more people you share a bathroom with, the more likely it's their feces.

Your Toothbrush Is Likely Contaminated With Other People's Poop
progat, ThinkStock

Right now, your toothbrush is probably sitting there on the sink, less than a few feet from the toilet. So you may be wondering if it gets coated in swirling poop. Guess what? It is. It's because when you flush the toilet, it shoots tiny poop particles through the air, and they land on your brush.

A new study out of Quinnipiac University in Connecticut tested toothbrushes and found 55% of them had feces, that could be someone else's on their bristles which could easily make you sick. Not that it's more dangerous to brush your teeth with someone else's poop than your own. But it feels way grosser.

Toothbrush covers didn't really help stop the feces. In fact, they just gave it a better environment to breed in. And no amount of hot or cold water could decontaminate the toothbrushes.

So what should you do to avoid all this? One, close the toilet lid before you flush. And two, figure out a better place to store your toothbrush.

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