You never know when or where you're going to find some wisdom that will change your life. Perhaps it's one of these.

Jill Robbins, a blogger for Huffington Post, shared these pearls of wisdom recently and now I'm sharing them with you.

10 Piece of Very Good Unsolicited Advice

1. Adults only.

I'm sure your little angel is verrrry mature for her age but don't bring her to places where adults go to do adult stuff, k? Get a sitter or adjust your plans.

2. Leggings aren't pants.

Say it with me: Leggings. Aren't. Pants. Unless you're a size two or 12-years-old, pair those leggings with a top that covers your ass, thankyouverymuch.

3. Speaking of pants, wear some once in awhile.

Real pants, with pockets and zippers. Don't talk about how you haven't changed out of your jammies all day like it's a good thing. Don't try to one-up your mom friends about who has gone the longest without showering. Motherhood is hard, no doubt, but take five minutes for yourself and look presentable now and then.

4. Run your own race.

Be selective when deciding if you need to worry about keeping up with the Joneses (or the Kardashians).

5. Know your audience.

Do you like to brag about what a genius your kid is? Good for you! Any second grader who's moved past eating paste is surely headed for MIT.

Wanna complain about your thunder thighs or lament that your muffin top is exploding over the waistband of your size eight jeans? Wow, piggy. I can't believe you're out in public.

Seriously, think about who you're talking to. Boasting about your smarty pants kid might not go down so well if you're talking to someone whose child struggles in school. And talking about how fat you probably aren't? How does that resonate with someone who has an eating disorder or someone who actually is obese? Think about it.

6. If he's into you, he'll call you.

Most people have smart phones fused to their palms these days. If he's not motivated to communicate, that only means one thing: he doesn't want to talk to you. This is a no-brainer.

7. Don't blow off your friends for the opposite sex.

Maybe your bestie will understand if you occasionally bail on that coffee date because you got a better offer, but tread carefully. Trust me on this.

8. Just because it pops in to your head doesn't mean it's Facebook-worthy.

Please for the love of all that is holy, save your drama for your mama.

9. Let that mean email marinate.

This also applies to texts, tweets or passive-aggressive Facebook statuses. Sending something into cyberspace when you're upset is never a good idea. Whatever you have to say can wait until your head clears.

10. Ask yourself "will this matter in five years?"

This is something my grandfather used to say and it's always what I say to myself when I have an important decision to make or when I find myself freaking out about something.

Great stuff Jill, thanks for sharing!

Check out Jill's blog, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

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