15 Things Women Need to Stop Feeling Guilty About [LIST]
Women spend too much apologizing for things that they shouldn't really need to apologize for; but we do it anyway.
Ugh, I'm so guilty of this; I apologize for everything. If someone bumps into me at the gym; I'm the one who says "sorry" for being in their way. When it comes to my food order and I want the chef to put the dressing on the side, oops, there I go; apologizing again. Oh, I'm sorry I didn't text you back in 3 seconds; even though I was busy with work at the time. Sorry is such a crutch.
Ladies, we need to stop apologizing and feeling guilty about the little things in life. So you have your life together and you know what you want; never be sorry for asking for it or telling people what you need from them to be happy.
Elite Daily came out with a great list, something that you could maybe pin to your cubicle or place on your fridge next to all those handmade portraits done by your kids, to remind us of what we need to stop apologizing for and feeling guilty about. Like:
1. Earning more money than your spouse.
2. Traveling solo.
3. Taking a sick day when you get your period.
4. Eating a second (or third) slice of cake at your friend’s wedding.
5. Being the "master of your domain."
6. Wanting to work instead of staying home with the kids.
7. Spending a beautiful Saturday in bed.
8. Not wearing heels.
9. Not wearing makeup to brunch/shopping/a date.
10. Reading a crappy book.
11. Having chipped nails.
12. Not owning any pretty silverware.
13. Hailing a cab when you have to walk five blocks.
14. Having a really complicated Starbucks order.
15. Buying yourself flowers.
There are ten more that you can find here.
One more thing, when in doubt and you feel the need to apologize, just remember....you're flawless.