25 Life Tips From a 25 Year Old on Her 25th Birthday
The quarter life crisis is officially setting in. 25 feels a little too close to 30 for comfort, but honestly, I'm excited for 25!
I figured I'd share some life tips in honor of my 25 years of life on this Earth.
I don't know everything, some days I feel like I know nothing. But what I do know, is that life is short and I'd love to share some tips I've learned that make life feel full to me -
- Get the fries, always get the fries
- If you can call your parents, call them
- When you see a cute dog on the street, pet it
- Always say thank you, bless you, etc.
- Take that trip
- Make your bed every morning, you'll feel better I promise
- Dance at concerts, like REALLY dance
- Enjoy sunsets and sunrises
- Do things that scare you
- Hug your friends extra tight
- Add that extra spoonful of sugar to your coffee
- Get the shoes you want at the mall
- Hold the door for people
- Smile at strangers
- Take the scenic route
- Sleep in on weekends
- Watch those home videos you forgot about
- Drive with the windows down and the music turned all the way up
- Say hi to butterflies
- Go see kids movies in theaters
- Ask for extra whip cream
- Light candles every day
- Enjoy some alone time
- Sing in the shower
- Live unapologetically
I've been alive for 25 years, and as old as that feels to me, I know it's young. But after losing my mom at 19 to cancer, I look at life very differently now. I cherish my family more, I say I love you as much as I can, and I hug harder.
I'm not perfect, but I am a 25 year old who wants to share some of her millennial love with the world.
I asked for dog pictures on 97ZOK's facebook page and got so many good ones I wanted to share those as well -
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