7 Things You Shouldn’t Have to Do When It’s This Cold in the Midwest
Let's face it, there are things that you just shouldn't have to do when it's this freezing.
We've all been cold before, but these past two weeks have been insane and it's not looking much warmer anytime soon.
So, collectively, it's time to complain.
Complain about the things you don't want to do because it's too cold.
#1 Put on real pants.
To be fair, I don't put on 'real pants' ever, but this is especially true when it's below zero. Jeans? Dress pants? Anything more then leggings? Absolutely not, unless we're talking sweatpants on top of my leggings.
#2 Go to the gym.
I love the gym, I really do, but my muscles just don't know how to function right now. Plus the process is so extra in this weather. Like how many layers do I wear and how many people are going to give me dirty looks when I strip down layer after layer on the elliptical.
#3 Eating salads.
Also, I like salads, most of the time. But OMG it is too cold to eat lettuce that's been in the fridge for three days. It's super unfortunate for this to occur at the beginning of the year because I want to be all resolution-y and eat a salad, but it's too cold.
#4 Un-Christmas-ing your house.
It's about that time to feel like Christmas is over. You should probably take down the decorations inside AND outside. But outside is outside. It's cold there. So don't do it, and you know what, turn those lights on because it's prettier.
#5 Give up drinking.
A lot of people try to give up drinking in January, or at least take on a few dry weeks to get over a huge holiday hangover, but honestly, I need that wine, I need the wine to keep me warm because -4 is too much.
#6 Wash your hair.
Ok, I know this seems a little extreme, but, if your hair is longer than your shoulders, you know what I'm talking about. The wash, dry, style process requires some time with wet hair, but not frozen hair! Long live dry shampoo.
#7 Pretty much ever leaving your house.
Thank you for reading this list, but I suppose we could've just said there's one thing you can't do, and it's leaving your house. This morning wasn't even the coldest as it's been but it was the morning I wished I could call in my show from my living room couch.
I hope you have a soupy, wine-y, leggings kind of day, Rockford, summer will come back someday!
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