Angry Airline Passenger Records Incredibly Long TSA Line At Chicago Midway
Isn't Midway always touted as the faster alternative to the always busy O'Hare Airport?
That's what I always thought growing up. If you wanted to take a trip somewhere that needed a flight, you would check and see if you could fly out of Midway first. Only after you realized you could go to a handful of places would you check O'Hare.
I guess things have changed or something was seriously askew at Midway yesterday when YouTuber, Sean H captured a two minute video of the TSA line.
The video has since gone viral showing just how ridiculous the line and wait was/is at Midway at the moment. There has been no announcement from Midway as to why the line was so long but things are going from bad to worst over there.
Another news story broke about a fight that occurred at a baggage claim just after midnight this morning.
It seems like Midway needs a vacation. They should check and see if there are any good deals flying out of O'Hare.