Easy At Work Earth Day Ideas
Did Earth Day creep up on you again? I have a few easy things you can do today to celebrate, and hopefully adopt in your everyday routine.
Forget plastic water bottles. Sure it's so easy to grab a 24-pack at the store for $4, but instead stop by Target on your way home and pick up a reusable tumbler. They're pretty easy to clean and I actually find myself drinking a lot more water when the straw is just sitting there waiting for me. Good for you and the environment.
Utilize your print settings. We all have to print stuff at work, but there are ways to lessen the amount of paper used. Whenever possible, select to print on both sides of the paper instead of just one, and of course, recycle!
Bring your real silverware to work. This is probably the EASIEST thing you can do to be earth-y. Plus the walk to wash it after you're done eating is good for you too. Another win-win.
Finally, open the blinds! On a pretty day like today, you might be able to turn off the lights completely to get your work done.