Our 'kick ass' military, see what's ODDLY healthy for your relationship, Rauner's Tax Return, 'Jane the Virgin' tonight on The CW and more.


The Latest Move by ISIS is Thwarted by Our Kick Ass Military

Thousands of jihadi fighters from the murderous ISIS terrorist group surrounded Baghdad Sunday and were prepared to mount an assault. In response, the United States called in Apache helicopters to keep Iraqi forces from being overrun by ISIS savages near Baghdad’s airport. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said “It was a straight shot to the airport,” “So we’re not going to allow that to happen.” Read more from the NY Post -----> Here

Guess Who Made $61 Million and Gave Away $5 Million Last Year

MyStateline.com tells us Bruce Rauner released his 2013 federal and Illinois income tax returns.  The returns show the multi-millionaire and his wife earned nearly $61 million dollars last year.  He paid $17 million in federal and state taxes.  Which is a tax rate of about 27.5%. Rauner also donated more than $5 million to charity, including $1 million to Red Cross relief efforts after the Washington, Illinois tornado.

 It's Columbus Day... but Not in Seattle

The Seattle, WA city council has replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day. Celebrating the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle. It should come as no surprise that this has upset Seattle's Italians.

Would You Like It if We Told You TV Watching is Healthy for Your Relationship?

There's is one catch to the headline/question above. It's ONLY healthy if you watch the right shows.  "Modern Family" is good for laughing together, "House of Cards" could lead to "big picture" conversations about your values, and "Game of Thrones" might spice things up. Here's four more you should see.

What is 'Jane The Virgin' about on the CW Tonight

The series premiere of "Jane the Virgin" 8 P.M. on the CW.  Gina Rodriguez plays a girl who's accidentally artificially inseminated by her boss' DNA specimen, and decides to go through with her virginal pregnancy.

On Friday, Gina gave Ellen and her guest DJ, Meghan Trainor a Salsa dance lesson... Good stuff! Watch it here

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