Today, Ebola testing at O'Hare, a captain is down, money can buy happiness, we are addicted to our phones, and the worst vampire movies ever!

Ebola Testing At Airports

According to multiple news sources, Chicago's O'Hare Airport will join other airports in the country to begin screening arriving passengers for Ebola. The White House says that these screening measures will be the same ones being used to screen people in West Africa.

Police Captain In Serious Condition

According to Fox News, a Chicago police captain is in recovery after being shot in the head and shoulder after a six-hour standoff on the cities South Side. Police say they arrested one man that is now in custody.

We All Are Addicted

Are you addicted to your cell phone? Looks like we all are. According to a study, the average person picks up their phone at least 1,500 times a day! That's three times every two minutes! That seriously could be a bicep workout!

Money CAN Buy Happiness

We've all heard that money can't buy happiness. I say, that's untrue! Here are three ways money CAN buy happiness. Spending money to do things can bring happy times because your paying for a much needed experience. Also, spending money on others always feels good and spending money on free time can bring happiness. These days, I don't have a lot of free time, so if it's easier for me to spend a couple of bucks on something that will give me time, I'm all for it!

Gregory Costanzo, Getty Images
Gregory Costanzo, Getty Images

Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck

Tis' the season to watch scary movies, and honestly, the scariest movies to me have vampires in them. So, gather round and avoid these movies! The worst one I found is below! Get the other nine terrible movies---------------->here!

'Vampire in Brooklyn' stars Eddie Murphy and it looks ridiculous. Take a peek!

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