I’m honestly shocked at how many people in Illinois make this mistake!

We all want some privacy at home, right? Imagine living in a glass house with windows everywhere and no shades. People could see you sleeping, eating, showering, or just hanging out. No one wants that, especially not in their own home!

That’s why I can’t believe so many Illinois homeowners still leave their front curtains wide open, especially with big windows right in the front of the house.



To be honest, I’d feel like someone was watching me constantly. It'd make me so paranoid. But here's the thing: keeping those curtains open isn’t just uncomfortable – it’s also a huge security risk.  Which leads me to my point.

#1 Mistake Making Illinois Homes Prime Targets for Burglars

When you have your curtains open all day, it's basically inviting burglars to be tempted to break in (if you have anything good!).  Whether it’s electronics, jewelry, or other valuables that catches their eye, they'll want in.


Read More: 3 Illinois Cities Lead The Nation In Break-Ins And Burglaries 

You might have security cameras, but what good will that do when all your stuff is already stolen?  Leaving your front curtains open is, in my opinion, one of– if not, the biggest mistake a homeowner can make.

We already have a high crime rate, let's not make that number increase.


If you’ve got a big window in the front of your house, maybe close those curtains while you're at work or gone for a long period of time.  Protect your privacy and security.

The Most Bizarre Items Ever Stolen From Illinois Residents

My mom once told me that "people will steal anything that's not nailed down." Times certainly have changed since then. The thieves now have nail removers.

Gallery Credit: Facebook

28 Illinois Elf On The Shelf Ideas You Should Totally Steal

Elves have been busy the last couple weeks and now ere in the home stretch to Christmas. Is your creativity stretched to its limit? These ideas will help.

Gallery Credit: Steve Shannon

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