Horrific Accident at Illinois Balloon Launch Caught on Video
Ever since I saw the Wizard of Oz, I was fascinated by hot air balloons. To me, they were these colorful, majestic, and breathtaking vessels that were meant to carry you to some fantasy land far, far away. Just seeing one float across the sky is enough to make your jaw drop in awe as you wonder where it came from and where it's going.
People in Chatsworth, Illinois had their own jaw dropping experience when a hot air balloon failed to take flight at the Chatsworth Sesquential; however they dropped their jaws in horror and shock, not awe, as they watched a balloon get swept away by a gust of wind; leaving a man dangling from the basket by his feet.
WARNING: Please be advised, there is some strong language in the video.
It's unclear if the man who fell out of the balloon was the person in charge of running the balloon, but it's a miracle that the balloon was able to land safely, nearby.
One woman commented on the video saying that her husband was in the balloon and was able to bring it down; he has some scratches, scrapes and bruises but he's expected to be OK.